Technical Brief
Oceania Steel has developed the ArmorPileTM product line of composite Steel UHMWPR marine piles ranging in nominal diameter from 100mm to 1,500mm with thickness ranging from 3mm to 32mm. Lengths can be made to order up to 18 metres per single length.
ArmorPileTM Composite Pipe Pile
ArmorPileTM Marine Grade Sleeved Piles is a composite Pile consisting of High-Grade LSAW (Longitudinal Submerged Arc Weld) Steel Pipe and UHMWPE (Ultra- High Molecular Weight Polyethylene) which has been developed for the Marine Industry and can be used for Mooring Piles, Dolphins, Wave Attenuator Piles, etc.
ArmorPileTM provides a lifespan of up to 50 years depending on treatment and application. The benefits of this composite system are the sleeves will never suffer corrosion, are abrasion resistant, and will withstand the harshest UV environments. ArmorPileTM offers low maintenance costs with very limited marine growth on the UHMWPE surface.
Issues with Standard Coatings
Corrosion of Marine Structures is an issue. Locations with increased humidity and salinity provide an environment for greater corrosion severity.
Standard coated steel piles consist of layers of epoxy or duplex paint systems that protect the underlying steel but rely on the bond to the steel being maintained at all times. Once the bond is compromised accelerated oxidation and aging occur and corrosion sets in. Abrasions that result in exposing the steel surface can happen during installation or during the serviceability of the structure or element. Epoxy coatings can be expected to last 10-20 years depending on end use and environment.
Benefits of ArmorPileTM Composite Pile
UHMW-PE (Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene) sleeves have been used as an alternative to spray and chemical bonded coatings. UHMWPE is similar to HDPE but UHMWPE can be more easily modified in terms of wall thickness.
Both HDPE and UHMWPE provide robust wear protection and corrosion resistance requiring little or no maintenance. ArmorPileTM is heat shrunk tight fitting , and smart looking, whereas HDPE sleeves are traditionally installed after the pile is driven and may require grouting of the anulus. ArmorPileTM offers greater structural integrity, less materials, as well as increased efficiencies during pile installation.